January 19, 2020 Admin

From as early as I can recall, I remember most of my dreams.

As a 5 year old, I dreamt that I was a man riding a motorcycle and chasing women. It didn’t make any sense then. As a 9 year old, I dreamt I was an African woman singing jazz in night clubs. I also had a lot of very frightening nightmares. The scariest dream I had as a child, was the recurring dream in which invisible forces were “consuming” people, attacking them where they stood and they would slowly disappear. I was the only one who could “see” them. In the nightmare I would warn people but no one would listen. I saw the scary beings as purple blobs, that descended upon people, and started eating them away.

I had these so often that at one point I became afraid of falling asleep, it was unbearable. Soon I had a spontaneous occurrence that changed everything. In the middle of a terrible nightmare that was taking place in a tv screen, I saw myself waking up and changing the channel. After that, regular dreaming resumed. I was so excited when I actually woke up, I understood that now I was in control – I could will myself to wake up inside my dreams and change them. Hmmm, so many possibilities….

In my early teens I learned that I could go places, so I would often fly and see the world. Then of course, I realized that there were other places besides Earth that one can visit. Other planets and other worlds.

That led to the understanding that time wasn’t linear, I could travel to the past, the future and to parallel realities, in which I was still myself. It was like physically experiencing consciousness in the multiverse. Being a teen in the 80’s, I used to think of time as a cassette tape… It would go one direction, pause, reverse or fast forward. Then came the experiential understanding of time as a sphere. Your point of view is just a dot on the sphere, where past, present and future is all happening at once.

Over the years there have been so many experiments. I knew that there were many kinds of dreams. There were the dreams of the past, past lives, in which I recognized that some people in this present reality had been a part of my past. They might have been a bit different physically, but I recognized them as who they are now in my life… Dreams of events in past life are more like “remembering.” Remembering helps you understand that whatever you’re attracted to or interested in is often something that you have done many times before. For me , it was acupuncture school that I’d done many times before. So much so, that when I actually enrolled in the Massage Therapy program, some 25 years ago, I remember seeing “blue dots” on people’s bodies when I was working on them. They were very consistent, so when I looked it up, I discovered that they were acupuncture points! The day after graduating from the program, I joined the Acupuncture program and I started having dreams of past lives where I remembered practicing acupuncture many times before.

At that point, there came the understanding that by remembering things in my dreams was also like retrieving useful skills, knowledge and information from the past that can be useful here now.

Hmmmm, more possibilities ….